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7300 N Kendall Dr, Ste 640 | Miami, FL | 33156


Meet Charity Projects

During the month of October 2017, member of AEA Miami visited Ayacucho and the Houses they help sponsor.

Ayacucho Visit 2016

Inauguration of Casa Juan Pablo II in Huancapi, Ayacucho
Después de 3 años de trabajo logramos inaugurar el Hogar Juan Pablo II en Huancapi – Ayacucho, un sueño hecho realidad! After 3 years of labor of love we were able to witness the grand opening of Huancapi’s Juan Pablo II home, a dream come true!
Visit to Villa Paloma, Huamanga, Ayacucho home for young adults
AEA maintains 5 homes in Ayacucho, Peru. This one hosts young men after they have graduated from high school. AEA gives them a home where to live so they can study and pursue careers, so proud of them!
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