John Paul II Orphanage Homes - Huanta
The “Juan Pablo II” Orphanage Home was founded on April 5th, 1986 in the Province of Huanta, one hour from Huamanga, the capital of Ayacucho, at the Archdiocese premises.
From the very beginning the Orphanage home has been run by a Peruvian religious congregation named Canonesas de la Cruz.
It can host 30 children.

John Paul II Orphanage Home - Huancapi
Founded on the 15th of July 1985, at 3,085 m above sea level, in a zone chosen because it was the worst afflicted by terrorist violence and had the highest number of orphaned children. It is run by the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary whose headquarters are in India.
It can host 30 children.

John Paul II Orphanage Home - Vilcashuamán
A new home, Juan Pablo II, was founded on the 8th of March 1997 at Vilcas Huamán, an archaeological area 4,700 metres above sea level.
This home was built thanks to the efforts of Monsignor Juan Luis Cipriani, with a donation from the Government of Japan. Contributions were also received from AEA Peru and Miami, Asociación Luxemburgo Peru and IVY Inter-American Foundation.
The home is run by the “Hermanas del Cenaculo del Sagrado Corazón,” the congregation is part of the Pallotine family and is based in India.
It can host, at the moment, up to 25 children.

Youth House "Villa Paloma"
Young people leave care at the age of 18yrs. Unfortunately, many foster care teens don’t have the support, education and life skills necessary to live on their own. Besides, leaving home with no family to turn to can be extremely daunting.
AEA has devised a program which is designed to help give young people the skills and confidence to live independently and enables them to continue their education.
Our focus is on developing and promoting formal learning opportunities for all. To assist young people trying to move into a technical or university education – but lacking the money to do so – we give Scholarships.
This program is for young adults no longer under the care of John Paul II orphanage home or other foster care facilities. Nevertheless, young people from the VRAEM area or the highlands that are vulnerable and meet the requirements for continuing education can have access to it.
Today this program makes a lasting impact by encouraging young people to take responsibility and become involved citizens.
Youth House “Villa Haydee” is located in Huamanga and is a semi-independent accommodation for Young women 17 to 23 years old. They can stay until they complete a technical or university degree or until their 23rd birthday.
Our emphasis is on family living and we create an atmosphere that is similar to being at home. It is run by a nun of the “Presentacion de Maria” religious order who teaches them skills related to:
• Money matters
• Social skills
• Health
• The transition of becoming independent
• Managing their homes.
All these skills we believe are vital to a young person’s life as an independent young adult.

Youth House Villa Haydee
Young people leave care at the age of 18yrs. Unfortunately, many foster care teens don’t have the support, education and life skills necessary to live on their own. Besides, leaving home with no family to turn to can be extremely daunting.
AEA has devised a program which is designed to help give young people the skills and confidence to live independently and enables them to continue their education.
Our focus is on developing and promoting formal learning opportunities for all. To assist young people trying to move into a technical or university education – but lacking the money to do so – we give Scholarships.
This program is for young women no longer under the care of John Paul II orphanage homes or other foster care facilities. Nevertheless, young people from the VRAEM area or the highlands that are vulnerable and meet the requirements for continuing education can have access to it.
Young women in a situation of poverty and those who transition from foster care without the needed network of support experience very poor outcomes at a much higher rate than their peers in the general population: pregnant by age 19, face unemployment or underemployment, alcoholism, etc.
Today this program makes a lasting impact by encouraging young people to take responsibility and become involved citizens.
Youth House “Villa Haydee” is located in Huamanga and is a semi-independent accommodation for Young women 17 to 23 years old. They can stay until they complete a technical or university degree or until their 23rd birthday.
Our emphasis is on family living and we create an atmosphere that is similar to being at home. It is run by a nun of the “Presentacion de Maria” religious order who teaches them skills related to:
• Money matters
• Social skills
• Health
• The transition of becoming independent
• Managing their homes.
All these skills we believe are vital to a young person’s life as an independent young adult.