Join us for an unforgettable evening with world-renowned Peruvian designer, Sitka Semsch, at our Kick-Off Event for our Annual Charity Gala.Wednesday, August 28 | 6:30...
MIAMI. – The Ayacucho Emergency Association (AEA), whose objective is to support the maintenance of the Juan Pablo II Homes, located in Huanta, Huancapi, and...
In 1985, when the then Pope John Paul II visited Ayacucho, Peru, he was deeply impressed by the large number of orphans resulting from the brutal violence of terrorism....
¡Noticias emocionantes, gente! Completa la demolición de Villa Paloma en Huamanga Ayacucho, y estamos encantados de anunciar que la ciudad nos ha concedido el permiso...