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scholarship awards

AEAMIAMI Believes in the power of education and has therefore, created two scholarship awards

The winners for 2023 were Alexander Guardado and Nikoe Reque


Ayacucho Emergency Association holds tribute evening in Miami

MIAMI. – The Ayacucho Emergency Association (AEA), whose objective is to support the maintenance of the Juan Pablo II Homes, located in Huanta, Huancapi, and Vilcashuamán, in Peru, where orphaned or abandoned children reside, held an event to pay tribute to the president of the Peruvian Episcopal Conference, Monsignor Salvador Piñeiro, and the sponsors of that organization, at the CVI.CHE105 restaurant in downtown Miami.

Monsignor Piñeiro, who is also the archbishop of the archdiocese of the Peruvian department of Ayacucho, blessed the special guests and applauded the work that this non-profit organization has been carrying out both in Peru and in the United States, through its chapter in Miami.

For the high-ranking figure of the Catholic Church in Peru, the AEA’s mission benefits “very poor people” in areas depressed by poverty and violence sown by the guerrillas of the Shining Path group, which caused around 30,000 deaths in Peruvian territory between 1980 and 2000.

“This is a task that carries a huge burden; salaries need to be paid, the regional government helps as much as it can, and this is how we sow love and hope in the hearts of so many children in that corner of the Andes,” said Monsignor Piñeiro.

The AEA emerged on November 29, 1985, following the visit of Pope John Paul II to Peru, and until December 2015, it has provided shelter to 1,857 children and adolescents. Currently, in the three AEA Homes, there are 64 children and adolescents.

Violeta Cepeda, president of the AEA in Miami, stated that events like the one last Friday highlight the altruistic spirit of the sponsors of that association “who help us raise the funds we need.”

She added that although terrorism has taken a back seat in Peru after the weakening of the Shining Path’s armed structure, “we still have a lot of poverty in vast regions of our country, and it’s often the children who suffer the most.”

AEA organizes various events and activities throughout the year, such as bazaars, galas, dinners, and others, with the aim of generating income to finance the Juan Pablo II Homes, Villa Paloma Youth Home, and various projects of the Association.

Meanwhile, Patricia Scerpella, vice president of the organization in Miami, invited the South Florida community to join the upcoming fundraising gala at the Marriott Dadeland hotel on September 9, 2017.

The vision of the AEA is to continue the work initiated by Blessed John Paul II, promoting and implementing actions aimed at maintaining the Homes and Youth Homes, providing an environment that meets their biological, psychological, social, and spiritual needs until achieving their satisfactory reintegration into society.


To help homeless children is to give them an opportunity to get ahead.

In 1985, when the then Pope John Paul II visited Ayacucho, Peru, he was deeply impressed by the large number of orphans resulting from the brutal violence of terrorism. He donated $50,000 to the local Church to establish homes for the care of these children.

At that time, Archbishop Federico Richter Prada of Ayacucho established the first Juan Pablo II Homes in Huanta and Huancapi, two of the areas most devastated by terrorism. In subsequent years, three more homes were opened: one in Vilcashuamán, and two for young adults in Villa Paloma and Villa Haydee, both in Huamanga.

Recognizing the need to continue the work initiated by Saint John Paul II and fund the maintenance of the Homes for Children and Youth Homes, the non-profit organization Asociación Emergencia Ayacucho (AEA) was established in Lima, the capital of Peru, in 1985. Two years later, a branch was set up in Miami.

Over the past 37 years, AEA, as stated by Úrsula Castañeda, Vice President of AEA in Miami, “has helped more than 1,800 children.” Today, with the support of the Canossian Sisters of the Cross, the Pallottine Fathers, and the Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Mary, around 90 minors, aged 3 to 18, are cared for in the three homes. Additionally, 26 young adults without financial support, education, or essential life skills are accommodated in the two homes for young adults until they complete a technical or university career or reach the age of 23.

These children, many of whom are orphans, are no longer direct victims of terrorism. According to Archbishop Salvador Piñeiro of Ayacucho, during a visit to Miami, many have been abandoned due to family violence, parental abandonment, alcoholism, or because their parents are in prison and surrender their children to authorities. These authorities, in turn, place them in these homes.

“There are now many children who have been abandoned by their families because they do not have the means to raise them. There are also many families living in remote mountain areas, and these homes provide a safe place for their children to grow up,” said Castañeda.

In this region, “there is more than poverty. I would say there is a lot of misery. There is nothing, not even a factory,” added Castañeda. The only economic income comes from craftsmanship and tourism, and the Coronavirus pandemic has severely affected these sources.

The homes provide minors with an environment that addresses their biological, psychological, social, and spiritual needs. They are given shelter, food, care, and education funded by the association through events in Lima and Miami, such as galas, lunches, Christmas sales, and private donations.

During the latest gala in Miami on October 22, renowned Argentine tennis players Juan Martín del Potro and Juan Mónaco auctioned their time to play, contributing nearly $4,000, according to Castañeda.

“It is a very beautiful work, and we want to give it visibility,” she expressed. The visit of Archbishop Piñeiro to Miami, conveying a powerful message, “helps us raise awareness about this situation and find more people willing to help,” she added.

The Diocese of Ayacucho

The Diocese of Ayacucho is located in the Andes Mountains, between Lima—the capital of the country—and Cuzco, home to Machu Picchu. Founded in 1606, it is a very ancient diocese.

“Ayacucho is a very beautiful city, preserving all the Sevillian history of the first missionaries. The Ayacucho Baroque churches, processions, devotions from the first evangelization harmonize with the creative and artistic character of our people,” stated Archbishop Salvador Piñeiro after meeting with Archbishop Thomas Wenski at the Pastoral Center in Miami on October 24.

However, it is a very poor region with a challenging geography. In 1980, the terrorist movement Shining Path began in this region, spreading to other parts of the country and causing the most violent armed conflict in Peruvian history for 20 years. This conflict resulted in approximately 70,000 deaths and the disappearance of around 21,000 people, according to the last report issued by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of the Peruvian government in 2003.

Many families in the diocese still cannot find closure and provide a Christian burial for their loved ones. “Unfortunately, we don’t know where those dead are. There is a lot of pain and a lot of suffering,” Archbishop Piñeiro lamented.

The diocese has 25 active parishes, 50 diocesan priests, 18 religious, and 20 seminarians. The most significant challenge faced by the diocese is its rugged geography. It is very difficult to reach the entire population due to the considerable distances between settlements, explained Archbishop Piñeiro.

While there is no shortage of vocations, poverty is a significant obstacle. Many seminarians cannot continue their studies because they have to financially support their families, leading them to leave the seminary and seek employment.

How to Help

If you want to learn more about the work of the Asociación Emergencia Ayacucho, make a donation, or volunteer, you can visit their website: call 305-299-2497, or visit

Interested individuals can also volunteer for the organization, sponsor a child with an annual donation of $100 to provide them with a Christmas gift, including a pair of shoes or sneakers, an outfit, and a small present, as mentioned by Castañeda. Additionally, becoming members of AEA gives individuals the opportunity to travel to Ayacucho and meet these children.

“Helping these kids is giving them a chance to get ahead, and I believe that with the education they receive, we give them the opportunity to do so,” Castañeda concluded.


Complete Demolition of Villa Paloma in Huamanga Ayacucho

¡Noticias emocionantes, gente! Completa la demolición de Villa Paloma en Huamanga Ayacucho, y estamos encantados de anunciar que la ciudad nos ha concedido el permiso para comenzar a construir un nuevo hogar para mentes jóvenes que persiguen sus sueños. Su apoyo es crucial en este empeño.

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